

We are team of expert people with creativity ideas

Future Directions For Business Solutions Company aims to attract foreign investment and foreign companies to enter the Saudi market in accordance with the great facilities provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to investors and Vision 2030, which facilitates a comfortable work environment for the investor. Future Directions For Business Solutions Company establishes foreign companies within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with professionalism, as we provide the investor Free legal and financial consultations, including the accounting course and enlightening the investor about everything necessary for investment, including establishing the company, its branches and activities.

16+Years of Experience
30+Expert Members


Championing Progressive Solutions

In the vast expanse of the legal landscape, it’s not just about knowing the law; it’s about leading the way. At Future Directions, we don’t just follow precedents; we set them. Our commitment to legal excellence transcends traditional boundaries, forging paths many haven’t trodden before. We believe in offering solutions and crafting legal masterpieces that stand the test of time and scrutiny. With each case and each client, we aspire to redefine what it means to be truly pioneering in law.

Our dedication to progressiveness doesn’t end with how we approach legal challenges. It’s woven into the very fabric of our work ethic. Whether adopting the latest legal technologies, staying ahead of regulatory shifts, or understanding our client’s evolving needs, our finger is always on the pulse. Because we don’t just aim to serve; we aim to revolutionize.

Partnering with Future Directions means more than just legal representation. It means being part of a visionary journey. It is a journey where your challenges become ours, and together, we pave the way for solutions that are not just effective but groundbreaking.



Crafting a Future of Lawful Empowerment

In an era where the law is more than just black-and-white text, Future Directions rises as a paradigm of purposeful legal leadership. Every law has a spirit and a deeper intent, and it’s our mission to capture and amplify that essence for our clients. We don’t just interpret the law; we breathe life into it, ensuring it is a powerful tool for change and empowerment.

The future of law isn’t just about adapting to changes; it’s about steering them. We’re not just looking at the present scenario with every case and client we undertake. We’re looking ahead, ensuring that the legal strategies we craft today have a lasting positive impact on tomorrow. Our objective is to empower our clients, giving them the legal foundation they need to succeed and pioneer change.

Working with Future Directions isn’t just a transaction; it’s a transformation. A transformation from uncertainties to clear pathways, from challenges to game-changing solutions. Embrace a partnership that doesn’t just deliver results but crafts a future of lawful empowerment and positive transformation.

The journey to setting up in Saudi Arabia? We’ve simplified it. From guiding you through Government Portal Registrations to helping you find your base, open a bank account, and even enabling the General Manager in the Saudi landscape – we are the compass that always points North.

Today, Batic Law Firm isn’t just a dream realized. It’s a testament to the spirit of perseverance, expertise, and a genuine desire to serve. Whether you’re setting up business in Saudi Arabia or simply need a guiding hand through the labyrinth of documentation – be it Commercial Registration, Trade License, Memorandum of Association, or any facet of legal compliance – we’ve got you covered.

Future Directions Company

Come and weave your Saudi Arabian dream with us. At Future Directions, we're not just about laws. We’re about stories. Yours and ours.

Government agencies and success partners
